Hey there! I'm Blazing or Blaze, to which you probably know already.All of my socials can be found on linktree.
(Careful, dark theme users! The linktree is bright!)
I'm a neurodivergent minor that goes by they/he pronouns (I prefer masculine terms). If you would like to see more info about this, check my pronouns page.
I'm a digitial artist of over 5 years. If you're interested in more information about work, please contact me via BaskingBlaze on Discord.
As someone who has gone through trauma, I might come off apathetic around sensitive topics.Therefore, I might not be the best person to come to for comfort, rather more for honest advice.
I do not take blatant disrespect towards me or anyone else I'm close with. I have better things to worry about over trivial people.
This means people that engage in degeneracy (...transphobia, homophobia, racism, proshipping, harassment, you get the point)